Due to a recent surge in requests to become a new patient at our dental practice and the subsequent waiting list which has now ensued, we have taken the decision to stop any new patient registrations at our practice from 5pm Friday 10th March 2023. This is so that those individuals who have completed their registration can be examined in a timely manner and so that our existing patients still have opportunities in the diary for treatment appointments and emergencies when required. We hope to offer more new patient registrations in the future and we will update this website and the NHS website when this is possible. If you have taken our new patient forms away from the practice please complete these and deliver them back to the practice as soon as possible. Even though we have closed the registrations for now we will honour those patients who are still to hand their forms back in.
Thank you for your cooperation!
If you are not registered with ourselves and you require urgent dental treatment or you are in pain please contact Emergency Dental Care on the Merseyside and Cheshire Emergency Dental Helpline number - 0161 476 9651
Only go to A&E in serious circumstances, such as:
severe swelling
heavy bleeding
traumatic injuries to the face, mouth, or teeth
If you're not sure whether you should go to A&E, contact NHS 111, who will be able to advise you.